The parish was founded in 1899, and the first church was built in 1900. Plans for the present church commenced in 1920, and the basement was completed (and used for Mass) beginnin in 1921. The cornersone was laid in 1924, and the church was completed in time for midnight Mass at Christmas 1926.
Although 1000 people were reportedly at the opening mass, it appears that the church can comfortably seat only about 400 or 500. The east spire, the tallest, is about 140 tall. Because Blessed Sacrament sits near the top of the hill, the spire is visible for quite some distance.

When I went by the church to take pictures, it was open, but Saturday evening Mass was going on. Therefore, I didn't get interior shots. However, you can go to this out-of-date website for the Latin Mass community and see what it's like inside (CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE). The chaplain shown in the pictures and named in the website, Fr. DeMentque, has moved on to another apostolate (France, I think) and his last assistant is now the chaplain. I'd download the pictures and repost them (and a couple of additional exterior shots as well) if I weren't having trouble with Blogger's photo tool right now. (UPDATE FEBRUARY 6: I got one posted).

The altar rail was ripped out in the 1970s, sadly (especially since the Latin Massers would really use it now; instead, they balance themselves on a cushioned step, and those who need support have recourse to a prie dieux). The high altar is intact, although it has been slightly modified in one respect. The central statue in the reredos is one of our Lord facing the congregation and offering Holy Communion, but originally, He stood there in profile, giving communion to a kneeling communicant (we can't have that, can we? I wonder where the statue of the kneeling man is now?). To Christ's right is St. Ann instructing the Blessed Mother as a child, and to His left is St. Joseph.
The side altars are intact as well, with our Lady being flanked at her altar by St. Rita and St. Therese of Liseaux. The Sacred Heart altar features (besides an statute of the Sacred Heart, of course) St. Patrick and St. Anthony of Padua. Below the Sacred Heart altar is a seculphre image that is opened on Holy Week. There's also a statue of St. Martin de Pores somewhere. Of course, in addition to ripping out the altar rail, the parish found it necessary to install a newfangled altar and plain lectern in place of the more imposing traditional ambo. The FSSP chaplain works around this well enough, I suppose, but it's not ideal.

The basement, where there are usually coffee and doughnuts, is in rather poor shape, and the pipe organ in the choir loft needs work (apparently only used by the Latin Massers, as the novus ordo musicians have an electronic organ and folding chairs in the south (actually, east) transcept). The blower makes the whole back of the church vibrate. Probably the single biggest complaint anyone ever has about Blessed Sacrament is the sound system--someone got the idea to install a series of car stereo speakers (or so they appear to be) on the pew backs themselves, instead of mounting professional-quality PA speakers on the walls. The sound is terrible, and anyone who is hard of hearing is likely to miss large portions of the chaplain's fantastic sermons. That's something that needs to be fixed, but it's unlikely that the parish has the money to do it, and it's probable that the Latin Mass Community, which is only a temporary tenant, is won't do it either.
All and all, though, it's a fitting place to celebrate the old Mass, and while we're all prone to imagine a better situation--one in which the church is used exclusively for the old Mass, and one doesn't have to work around the modern furnishings, and one doesn't have to strain to hear, and one with a clean and orderly hall--the folks who attend the old Mass there are happy to have to be there.
PS., Now, this turned out to be a rather detailed post with a lot of information. Before readers leave comments criticizing me for not having this level of detail on the other churches, and not having interior shots of the other churches, I want to remind them that this is a unique case--I actually attend Mass here and I was able to pick up a brochure on the Church with some detail in it. If you want to see your Kansas City, Kansas church featured so thoroughly, by all means I will--just send me a printed history and take some interior photographs next time you're there.
The kneeling communicant is probably kneeling in a basement corner somewhere.
At least they didn't stick a new one up there with a standing communicant sticking their hands out while blowing a bubble.
You missed the fairly decent interior shot on the home page! Check it out at http://www.latin-mass.org/
I love the pictures. I went to school from 1st to 8th grade at Blessed Sacrament School. I was baptized in this church and so were both of my kids. I no longer live in Kansas City but went back a couple of years ago and went to mass there. It is still just as beautiful as I remember it.
I also went to Blessed Sacrament School from 1rst to the 8th grade. I remember First Communion, Boy Scout meetings in the basement, almost getting smacked down by Sister Rosalie after confirmation...LOL.
It was a great place to go to school and worship.
I haven't lived in the KC area in years but I also try to drive by it whenever I am in town.
Thank goodness it looks like they repainted the statues with detailed painting. I remember when they slapped a coat of silver paint all over them in the 60's or 70's - don't know if it was due to budget considerations or what, but I would have rather seen peeling paint than that. Like the others who have posted, I went there grades 1-8 and have fond memories. It's in a far rougher neighborhood these days. You should have included in the church history how the construction of the new Parallel parkway in the 70's gutted a lot of the congregation....lotta houses torn down for that project. Thanks for providing this blog, it was a nice trip down memory lane!
What a wonderful church/school Blessed Sacrament was back in the 70's. I went to B.S. 7 years and HAD to transfer to St. Peter's for 8th grade! I did enjoy my years and have wonderful memories of those days.
My neighbors across the street belonged to Blessed Sacrament and their children (my friends) went there and then to Ward HS.
This was in the 1950's when Catholics were sort of worrisome. There were weird rumors that they kept guns in the basement of the churches. The minorities (African-Americans & Latinos) stayed in their own neighborhoods and the Jews lived in KCMO or Johnson County.
It was always a bit of a scandal when a Protestant married a Catholic.
I'm glad to see it's still open. The two Protestant churches near the two houses where I grew up are now unused & up for sale.
I also went to Blessed Sacrament 1 - 8. It was painted in the spring of 1964 in pastel blues & lavenders and all the statues were painted silver. This was done by the Mulich Brothers Painting contractors (my dad worked for them). My 1964 graduating class had to walk down the aisle amidst scaffolding. I remember that very clearly because I did not like the "new modern look" of the church. I have not been there since my Dad's funeral in 1987. I live in Washington State and don't get back as often as I would like.
I attended Blessed Sacrament Church and School in the 50's. We were a very active and vibrant community. At the time of my wedding they were changing the beautiful colored statues and interior. I had not seen the finished work until the wedding. Much to my surprise my bridemaids gowns were Torquoise velvet the exact color of the carpeting on the Altar. It was a beautiful site.
I am back. I am making a family tree and it is turning out to be a Church tree since I post pictures of Churches for the Baptism, Marriages and Funerals.
I attended the first grade in the old school with a pot bellied heater in the back of the classroom. In the second grade, we had school in the basement of the church while they were building the new school.
In 1956 I was in an eighth grade class of 56 students. There were two third grade classes since it had 103 students.
My brother has been away from KC for many years but whenever he visits we tour all the old places we frequented while growing up and Blessed Sacrament is first on the list.
I am glad that the Church is still open even if it is tenants and am going to go to Mass there in the near future. I loved the old Latin Masses and we would always be pulled out of school to sing a Latin Requiem Mass for the funerals.
I went to Blessed Sacrament Grade School from 1 to 7 1/2. We moved the middle of my grade eight when they expanded Parallel. Why has there not been a reunion for Blessed Sacrament grade schoolers?
Tim, I'd be happy to arrange it! I'm the new pastor of Blessed Sacrament and we would love to get in touch with the many students who went here over the years! Father Nick Blaha
Father Nick Blaha,
There is a facebook group for Blessed Sacrament alumni. I'm sure there would be some interest in a reunion as soon as the pandemic concerns are laid to rest. This is Margie Palcher Stump. We've met at Altar Society Mass and meetings.
From Tim K: Father a reunion would be great. Margie I am not on Facebook. Probably should be I guess. By the way, if memory serves, which it may not, I think I had a Janet Palcher in my class. My name is Tim Kuhn. If we had not moved, I would have graduated with my eight grade class in May 1971. Anyway, God Bless.
Tim Kuhn,
Janet Palcher is my cousin, and my sister Ann Palcher was in your class, too. Sadly, Annie died in 2014 at the age of 57. I have 9 siblings. All but the youngest graduated from Blessed Sacrament. Rosie started at Blessed Sacrament, but graduated from Christ the King. Our graduation years were 1957 through 1972 at Blessed Sacrament. (Mine was 1967.) I had Palcher and Cotitta cousins at the school. Hopefully, next year will be good for a reunion of some kind.
Although the church is still beautiful, many of the kneelers need to be replaced. I know many people would be happy to donate funds towards replacing them.
Well, Margie, sorry to hear about Ann. I also had Jimmy Cotitta in my class, if memory serves. Tell Janet I said hello. Blessed Sacrament Church was (is) one of the most beautiful churches ever. I served Mass there a lot, since I lived right down the street on Parallel, across the street and down from the Scherzer's. Ron was in my class. I would donate to replace the kneelers.
Father Nick Blaha,
I know you were planning a fundraiser to replace the worn kneelers, but the COVID restrictions have interrupted those plans. I've had a lot of people tell me they would be happy to donate to that cause. I think if you just set up an online donation option, you'd be happily surprised at the result. Margie Stump
My brother and sisters attended during the 60s and early 70s until the parallel project took our house. Burton family was Cheryl, Don, Gary, Linda, Diane. I learned the organ from Ms Dillon, and remember the sound of the blower coming on. Visited years ago when Fr. Kelly was there (we went to seminary together). I graduated in 67, don’t do Facebook, but I am gburton@mymctc.net. Glad the church is still open.
Gary,how nice to see your post here! I was called Margaret Palcher when I was in your class. I prefer to be called Margie, which is what my family always called me, and my married name is Stump. I'll send you an email. It would be nice to catch up. Would you be interested in being in contact with former classmates? Since you're not on Facebook, maybe we could have a group chat via email.
Tim Kuhn,
I should have replied to your post from last October that Jimmy Cotitta is my cousin. He lives in Tempe, AZ. My Uncle Frank moved his family to Albuquerque probably after Jimmy's sophomore year at Bishop Ward High School. Years later, his mom & dad moved to Tempe, and gradually, all but one of the 7 siblings moved there, too.
Margie Palcher Stump
Hi Margie: Thanks for getting back with me. I also read Gary's post. I just deleted my post because I said I grew up across the street from the Burton's. I made a mistake. It was the Russell's and Grabmiller's. I think I knew Diane Burton, however. My email is tkuhn07@gmail.com. The Parallel project also took our house. Ended up moving to Overland Park and going to Bishop Miege.
Margie: I just noted that you said there was a Facebook group for Blessed Sacrament alumni. I may have to break down and register with Facebook to access that page. How do you find it and/or what is the page's name? Thanks. Tim Kuhn tkuhn07@gmail.com
The Communion rail is back!
Yes! It was a beautiful Mass for the dedication and Archbishop Naumann gave an awesome homily. Father Nick arranged a spectacular liturgy! Kneeling to receive Our Lord was more moving than anticipated. First time in probably 50 plus years that I have received Our Lord kneeling. I'd like to see that practice return.
The facebook group for those who fondly remember attending Blessed Sacrament School is called "Blessed Sacrament School Kansas City KS." It was very recently attacked by a bunch of spammers (or one spammer using multiple identities), but my cousin Patty Palcher Chambers has been added as a new administrator and already has it cleaned up. The t-shirt ads that were constantly appearing are gone, the group is now private, and new members have to be approved by an administrator. Needless to say, Patty is being very careful not to let anyone into the group without getting definite proof of their legitimacy as a former Blessed Sacrament student or faculty member. (I will invite Father Nick into the group, too.)
I grew up going to Blessed Sacrament. Class of 71. I knew Tim Kuhn there also
Well, hello Anonymous! Yes, the Class of 71 was my class, too. Unfortunately, we moved the latter part of December 1970 because of the upcoming widening of Parallel. I missed not graduating with the class. Would have gone to Ward, but ended up going to Miege.
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