Monday, July 17, 2006

A new webring . . . or not.

I was going to join a new webring (a cluster of blogs, like the Evil Traditionalists), but I was disappointed. When I clicked over to the following webring:

I discovered there were 0 active members, and 0 pending applications for membership. Now our little webring isn't big. Only a dozen members (mostly due to our lack of attention, and our inability to agree on anything), but gee, we've got the dissenters beat, don't we?


Todd said...

The organizer of the ring went inactive about four months ago, but there were about 200 of us when the ring was actively taking new members.

Nothing in our credo about being dissenters, though. We just differ from your twelve in matters of prudential judgment.

Curmudgeon said...

Orthodox movement? As in the eastern Churches?