That, however S L O W L Y it is happening, the human element in the Church is regaining its sense of taste and proportion, and with that, perhaps its focus on "the True, the Good, and the Beautiful." You know, it's focus on God.
Vatican Slams New Pope Sculpture

Compare that to what's going on in the elsewhere....I saw something where they redid the head on a classic statue of Pope St. Pius X so that it had Bl. JPII's head. Can't find it to link right now, but you can search if you haven't seen it already.
Vatican Slams New Pope Sculpture

Compare that to what's going on in the elsewhere....I saw something where they redid the head on a classic statue of Pope St. Pius X so that it had Bl. JPII's head. Can't find it to link right now, but you can search if you haven't seen it already.
Ironic that unnamed Church officials complain that the statue "doesn't even look like the late pontiff." Thanks in part to the late Pontiff's efforts, the Church doesn't look like she should either... the statue is strangely appropriate.
Agreed completely. After he did so much to wear away any taste for beauty in liturgical celebration and liturgical/ecclesiastical art and architecture, how could his apologists possibly complain about this statue? I think it perfectly in line with his very modern tastes.
I thought the statue was very appropriate and symbolic of his whole pontificate.
You all are so infuriating. How can you criticize the late pontiff (now Blessed)?? He did more to restore the Church than you will possibly understand. He will be a saint one day. It's time you stop criticizing the saints of Holy Mother Church! How can you not look at Blessed Pope John Paul II and see Christ? You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Sarcasm or not? There's so many neo-catholics around these days, I can't be sure.
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