Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New daily traditional Mass

I'm told that the priest of the Institute of Christ the King, who is the new rector for the St. Patrick's Oratory has begun saying traditional Mass on a daily basis at Our Lady of Sorrows in KCMO. It's at 7am Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri, and at 7pm on Thursday. This is good news. The fellow that relayed this information to me had been hoping for a daily traditional Mass in the wee hours of the morning. The SSPX chapel has a 7:15 am Mass Tues-Friday, but this is better. The SSPX never celebrated the 7:15 am Mass on Solemnities or on first Fridays, and of course, lots of folks had scruples about going to that Mass given the irregular situation of the SSPX. Plus, having the Mass at 7:00 am makes it possible for folks working downtown to get to their rowing stations in the office buildings by 8:00 am (yes, I'm now alluding of the Crimson Permanent Assurance sketch that opened Monty Python's Meaning of Life)

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