Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hmm. Another weekend gone by.

Another weekend has gone by, with no substantive posting from me. My Saturday was given over to the Fourth Commandment. Choring with Dad. Today, after Mass and some visiting with old neighbors, we embarked on a long trip out to the pumpkin patch to be eaten by mosquitos, a little time at the park as the kids got restless, a disappointing dinner at a place in Lawrence that wasn't as good as we remembered it to be from our weekly visits that ended three years ago, and a long detour home (in an effort to avoid traffic from the Speedway).

Afterwards, I settled in with the latest issue of Latin Mass, which I've had for a few weeks but still haven't gotten through, and having read a couple of articles, I'm motivated to read a book on the Thirteenth Century. Sounds like the century to be alive (except that I wouldn't be alive--I'd have died at age 14 from appendicitis).

The upshot is--this weekend I'm neither posting nor doing any much-needed editing to existing posts. I'm wondering know whether I should continue the blog. I can't devote enough time to it to make it good, without neglecting my job, my family, my prayer life, or all of the above. I'm not one of those people who has a good facility with the facts I'd like to bring to bear in my posts, nor an instantaneous sense of organization nor rhetorical flow, nor even much typing skill. I look at the blogs I admire, and I see what this blog could be if I put more energy into it, looking up the facts, coming up with a solid scheme, and polishing my prose, but I don't have the will (nor do I deem it prudent) to put that energy here.

I guess I'll limp along during the month of October, and decide what to do on the Feast of All Saints.

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