Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Organizing a "Sanger Society"

I tend not to post much on life issues. It's not that I don't care about them, of course; it's just that there are others who can do so more eloquently, and anyone who comes back to this blog more than once is unlikely to need any convincing from me. But I'm prompted by what is probably old news by now, and it was on, but there's probably some truth to it anyways:

Clinic: Free Abortions for Evacuees
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A doctor has offered to perform free abortions on hurricane evacuees (
search), saying it may be too dangerous for them to wait until they return home.
One of the great ironies of contraception and abortion--the tools of the eugenicists who sought to reduce the number of "undesireables"--is that they have resulted in fewer white kids from prosperous, well-adjusted families, but we still have gazillions of illegitimate, poverty-stricken black babies in the ghettos. Instead of a eugenic effect, widespread abortion and contraception appears to have had what the original eugenicists would call a dysgenic effect.

Considering the color and socioeconomic background of the evacuees we've seen in the news, and therefore the color and socioeconomic background of all those little non-persons our Doc is offering to scrape away pro bono, we know Margaret Sanger would be proud of him.

People in the pro-life movement talk some about the eugenic society origins of contraception and abortion advocacy, but I've never heard anyone talk about how that advocacy has failed even to serve the devious purpose that underlay it. I can kind of see why they don't do so--rhetoric of that sort, however effective on those who are actually listening to the whole discourse and who are thinking, can easily be taken out of context and used against the movement by everyone else who isn't really listening or thinking (which is to say, thanks to television, damned-near everyone).

Back in my glory days, when I was in a certain post-graduate academic program with time on my hands, I had the idea of putting up posters around campus inviting fellow students to an organizational meeting of a sham eugenics club, called the "Sanger Society."

My idea was to have the organizer rant in the poster against the missuse of abortion and contraception by modern day advocates, and call everyone to join a club that advocated a "return to the basics" of the eugenics movement, promoting abortion and contraception only among the "undesireables" and discouraging it among the well-to-do white folk. I would simply leave an email address to contact for informaiton, and then I could watch it fill up with hate mail from the pro-death crowd (and from minority activists who weren't thinking clearly). I still have the text I was working on for the poster that I never made:
Help form the XYZ University Chapter of the Sanger Society: Americans for Better Eugenics!!!
[INSERT GRAPHIC: Sanger Photo]
The Origins. In 19xx, Margaret Sanger started an organization dedicated to creating a better world through selective breeding. She recognized that many of the world’s problems—hunger, domestic abuse, drunkenness, and crimes against people and property—were perpetuated by the continual replenishment of the culturally and genetically inferior underclass through uncontrolled breeding. While more direct and ambitious eugenic efforts failed to wipe out the underclass in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific in the first half of the twentieth century, Ms. Sanger was developing a vision for a new, more humane, and less expensive way to address the problem of the underclass. That vision was to provide the underclass with sufficient birth control information and abortion services to encourage them to simply stop reproducing. As the affluent and biologically superior population in the affluent classes would grow to fill the void, the remnant of the underclass could be assimilated or sterilized as ecessary. Ms. Sanger recognized that within a few generations, the whole of the remaining population throughout the United States, and eventually, the world, could enjoy the tranquillity, good health, and prosperity promised which had been obstructed by the incessant rejuvenation of the underclass.
The Problem. The organization she started became Planned Parenthood, but that organization has betrayed her vision. Instead of pursuing a directed and selective campaign to implement population control for the underclass, Planned Parenthood promoted contraception and abortion for all women. The results have been horrific. In the decades that have followed, the underclass has clung to obsolete notions about human life and has largely rejected Ms. Sanger’s tools of contraception and abortion. The growth of the underclass has continued unabated, and with it, Wal-Marts, fast-food chains, methamphetamine and crack labs, MTV and NASCAR tracks have spread across the United States. Meanwhile, the more affluent and biologically superior strata have adopted and now misuse Ms. Sanger’s tools, and now that Upper Strata—not the underclass—teeters on the brink of its own extinction.
The Solution. The Sanger Society: Americans for Better Eugenics is committed to restoring Ms. Sanger’s vision to its true form and seeding it in the social, political and legal landscape. For now, the Society works on educating the Upper Strata about the social harm caused by contraception and abortion among their ranks, and the social good that comes from their use among the underclass. Ultimately, the Society envisions directed, and then mandated, reproductive planning for the underclass and stronger economic incentives for childrearing in the Upper Strata. The Society seeks to enlist affluent, deliberative thinkers from the Upper Strata in its effort to educate their peers and eventually elect legislators who will enact her vision, to train administrators who can implement it, and to appoint judges are willing to read the law in a way that will permit us to achieve our end. Although it is now a small organization in terms of members, it recognizes that its best hope for growth lies with the ranks of those studying at America's best universities, including XYZ University, and it seeks to form a chapter here.
We invite you to contact us if you are interested in helping start the XYZ University Chapter of the Sanger Society. Please send us an email at the address below, and we will discuss with you how we might go about organizing a group and gaining official recognition from the University.
The thought being, of course, that maybe a few students who saw this outrageous message might get the connection between our modern, precious, legally preposterous "constitutional right of privacy" from Conyers v. Georgia, Roe, Doe and Sandy Day O's contribution to Constitutional jurisprudence, Casey, with the bigoted purpose which was its genesis. I never got around to executing the poster scheme, but I offer the use of it free to whomever's listening.

BTW, I never set up the email address above--it doesn't really exist--so don't waste time composing any hate mail to that address. I take my hate mail at or in the comment boxes below.

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