Monday, July 28, 2008

What about the one-child policy?

Not surprisingly, some animals are more equal than others in China. Forced contraception and forced abortion doesn't apply to them uniformly:

4 panda cubs born at Chinese breeding center
Sun Jul 27, 9:48 AM ET

BEIJING - Four giant panda cubs were born within 14 hours at a breeding center in southwest China, a mini baby boom for the rare animals, a state news agency reported Sunday.

The births began Saturday at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center when 9-year-old Qiyuan, or Magic Luck, gave birth to female twins at 5:24 p.m. and 6:16 p.m., Xinhua News Agency reported, citing center expert Yang Feifei.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yawn....y'all still here?

I happened to remember my password ... finally. Gosh it's been a long time since I posted. When I look at the site meter I'm absolutely shocked it's not at zero.

Hmm. So much going on in my life. Still not quite settled into the new cave and the environs still need attention. So I guess I'm not ready to resume the blog. Maybe this fall?

In the meantime, if you're still out there, what would you think of a "Kansas Secede!" bumpersticker? I was thinking of printing some up and starting a movement, but I often overestimate the inertia out there.