Thursday, January 18, 2007

Approaching 60 days....

...and I'm still not blogging. And Oh, but I want to!

What I really don't get though is that I still get 30-60 hits a day, down from 150 or so when I was really trying. So it goes.


  1. Does that include hits from RSS aggregators? If so, I'm good for half a dozen hits a day myself. :-)

  2. Oh, Curmie! No offense intended but the reason we're all still "hittin'" ya is because we're dying to see if you'll really DO it!
    I probably check a couple of times a day to see if you've succumb to the temptation.

  3. We keep checking because we Miss You! Please come back!
    God bless

  4. I too miss your wise/wry wit and wisdom. But, even though you've been down for this time, the web site at Old St. Patrick still gets visitors/referrals from your blog. We appreciate all that you did in the past and would like to see you back at it.

    God bless you active or not.

    John Quastler

  5. Come on, Mudgie. You need to come back. I'll never tell anyone.

  6. You "want to"! Mortify that appetite, man! It's not about what we want.

  7. if you were really serious about "quitting" blogging, then why do you keep reading and responding to the blogs of others? Isn't that akin to putting yourself in a "near occasion to sin"?

    You're dancing on the slippery slope, Mr. Curmudgeon!
