Sunday, November 26, 2006

Where's the pro-death interfaith service this year?

You may recall that last time Kathleen Sebelius was inaugurated, she had her interfaith hootenany at Assumption church, across the street from the Statehouse. Sensible people and faithful Catholics went ballistic--the pastor at Assumption (the parish of my father's childhood, BTW) was letting a pro-death pol celebrate her Tiller-funded victory in a Catholic church.

So they went to the chancery with their concerns, and Archbishop Kelleher wrung his hands a little in the press, but he refused to use his authority (your staff has a hook on the end for a reason, your Grace), and he let the sacrilegious show go on.

Well, it's time once again for Sebelius to go through her celebration of herself, and I just got an email from a concerned Knights of Columbus member asking us to contact the chancery and ask Archbishop Naumann to make sure it doesn't happen again. Naumann seems to be of stronger mettle than Kelleher, based on his recent columns dealing with Sebelius and her worldview, so we hope this won't be an issue, and we hope that Sebelius's enablers will not even attempt to defile a Catholic church again, but it wouldn't hurt if you contacted the chancery and let him know you're concerned, now would it?
12615 Parallel Parkway
Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: (913) 721-1570
FAX: (913) 721-1577

And if you decide to call, do be nice to Mrs. Klingele. She is NOT one of the rats of which I spoke earlier.


  1. Crusty,

    Did they build a new Catholic Church across from the Capitol? I attended my first Catholic Masses (when I was a parishioner of Grace Episcopal Cathedral, down the street) at Assumption Church across from the Capitol. Father (James, I believe. Michael's brother) Moriarty, from the Ould Sod, was the pastor. He had the largest collection of bagpipe music (on '78's, remember them?) that I've ever seen. As a young prot, I would go over, knock on the door and ask if I could listen to them. He would graciously invite me in to do so. Little did he know that some 20 years later, I would swim the Tiber due, in part, to his influence. Long before I knew that one should stand when a priest enters the room, I did it for him. He was that powerful a "presence"! Any way, I'm still waiting for your "birthday meme" post!

  2. Mrs. Klingele is also the mother of a priest and a very good and orthodox woman.
