Sunday, September 17, 2006

Way to go, [Abp] Joe!

The Archbishop [His Grace, the Most Reverend....somebody scolded me this morning], Joseph Naumann, may be moving slowly with respect to Gov. Sebelius and other prominent Kansans who are exploiting their Catholic identity to evil ends, but there's no doubt in anyone's mind now of his direction--he's moving forward. In the Leaven, he followed up last week's criticism of Killer Kathleen's (fn1) pro-death worldview, with a general column about the duties of Catholics on issues of civil government, notwithstanding the reaction from Dan Watkins and the commie-progressive camp.

The Archbishop crafted an excellent, and unusually clear, statement about the difference between prudential issues and morally indefensible positions: one the likes of which Tod Brown or Raj Mahoney or Howard Hubbard (fn2) could not bring themselves to make. Here's a snippet:
Moreover, as Pope Benedict XVI stated when he served as the cardinal prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Catholics are free to choose from “among the various political opinions that are compatible with faith and the natural moral law, and to select according to their own criteria, what best corresponds to the needs of the common good. ” On most public policy issues, there are a variety of possible strategies and solutions that a Catholic could choose to support or oppose in good conscience: “It is not the Church’s task to set forth specific political solutions — and even less to propose a single solution as the acceptable one — to temporal questions that God has left to the free and responsible judgment of each person. ”2 It is not the church’s role or competency to develop specific proposals for foreign policy, economic development, immigration, taxation, environmental policies, etc.

The church does enunciate moral principles that have a significant bearing on public policy issues. The Catholic must choose, from a variety of possible paths, how best to implement these principles. however, there are some public policy issues that directly pertain to a correct understanding of the dignity of the human person. Regarding these fundamental human rights issues, it is not possible for a diversity of opinion.

Thus, a Catholic in public life cannot in good conscience support or advocate for a policy that gives legal protection to the destruction of innocent human life. Pope John Paul II stated clearly: “Abortion and
euthanasia are thus crimes which no human law can legitimize.” Our late Holy Father, referring to the 1974 Declaration on Procured Abortion, reemphasized: “In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to ‘take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it.’” (footnotes removed)

It was a sincere pleasure to see someone in a mitre clearly state the truth, which I'll paraphrase as follows: it's not a seamless garment, there are issues on which Catholics can differ (and I would say, be terribly, but not sinfully, wrong), and there are issues in which error leads everyone--Catholic, heretic or infidel--to perdition.

I won't quibble on this one. Marvellous work, your Grace! Keep moving forward!
fn1: It's Killer Kathleen, not Killer Kathy--not even to her friends-- somebody else told me so this morning)

fn3: Of course by that I mean His Excellency, the Most Rev. Tod Brown, His Eminence, Roger Cardinal Mahony, and His Excellency, the Most Rev. Howard Hubbard.


  1. Be nice? Maybe I'd better leave that to other folks.

  2. Is his Grace willing to excommunicate the governor, and/or deny her Communion? If not, it's just empty words. We need to see "a lot less talk and a lot more ACTION!"

  3. Naturally I'm not the Abp, nor even close to him, and I don't presume to know his intentions; only his actions so far. And his quick and straightforward follow-up column seems to suggest he has some resolve. This isn't the usual vague post-conciliar double talk; it's more the direct sort his old boss, Abp. Burke, used in the run-up to his stand.

    It could be that he's headed in that direction, and he's just playing his hand one card at a time. I'm impatient, of course, to see what he does on the next play. There is reason to hope.

  4. As for "independent Catholics," that they're not. They heretics, if not apostates.

    And I thought that the Antiochan sect met at Unity Temple, not the Unitarian facilities (there's a difference--there's a schism in their syncreticism--although I'm not sure how one could tell, not having doctrines or anything)

  5. I'm telling you, Krusty, times are definitely looking up for faithful Catholics who need Bishops who can stand the heat from those who oppose the teachings of the Church.

    The two Bishops in the Greater KC area seem to be following different paths, but with the same goals. One is brave, direct, and an excellent communicator; the second may be able to accomplish just as much with his good will, intelligence, and resolve. Let's pray daily for both Bishops.

    ... Dusty

  6. I guess I've always thought that
    no matter what a member of the
    laity did to hurt the Catholic
    Church, that nothing they did
    could ever merit their being ex-
    communicated; since this would
    eliminate that person's ability
    to receive the Eucharist.

    But lately, I guess, I've had
    some second thoughts. If a member
    of the laity did something that
    would cause OTHERS to stop
    receiving the Eucharist, then
    perhaps this would then warrant
    an ex-communication, or at least
    the beginnings of some sort of
    proceedings towards the act of

    Clearly, an abortion stops
    someone from eventually receiving
    the Eucharist. Any act made in
    support of abortion law could also
    be construed as causing others to
    stop receiving the Eucharist.
    Also, anyone who attacks the
    Catholic Church through legislation
    or direct attack could also have
    ex-communication proceedings
    started against them. For this
    last sentence, I'm thinking
    specifically about blatant
    attempts at subverting the holiness
    of Jesus the Christ and the
    Christian faith through the
    production of movies like 'Training
    Day', where every violent scene
    is replete with crosses,
    crucifixes, and images of The
    Immaculate Heart of Jesus. And if
    you think I've gone bonkers on this
    last point, then watch this movie.
    It is the direct equivalent of
    Leni Riefenstahl's 'Triumph of the

    Anyway, these are some of the
    things I've been thinking about
    lately. I'd appreciate hearing
    from others that have experience
    in these matters, or who may be
    able to point me in the direction
    of existing Church documents that
    discuss or detail the Church's
    position on the subject.

    It is no longer possible, in my
    opinion, to say that Catholics
    are living in ordinary times.
    Attacks against Catholics and the
    Church are now so commonplace,
    that any public defense of the
    Church or its members is met with
    derisive laughter and incredulity
    from people that would be horrified
    by a similar attack on any other

    What needs to happen next is not
    easy to say; but I think the option
    of 'doing nothing' has long since
    passed us by.
