Thursday, June 15, 2006

"They're just like, 'whatever.'"

This passage, from the end of a Washington Post article on Bp. Paul Loverde's latest efforts to dismantle one of the more notoriously well-run dioceses in the US, caught my attention. The boys' reaction (as, admittedly, characterized by the girls) is one which illustrates how well the baby-boomer grandparents and the Gen-X parents have passed their own attitudes towards Catholic faith and discipline on to the boys of Generation Y (or whatever they call the kids these days):
Taylor and her friends even started a petition asking the bishop of Arlington to allow girls as altar servers. She said they got most of the fourth- and fifth-graders at their school, Corpus Christi in Falls Church, to sign. But before they got the petition ready to mail, word came that the bishop had acted.

"The girls, they were all like, 'Yes! Yeah! Hurray!' They were really excited," Conor said.

And the boys? They're cool with it, said Taylor. "They're just like, 'whatever.' "

Before we suggest to anyone that it's important to pass his faith tradition on to his children, it's a good idea to get a sense of what that faith tradition is, because among those who've come of age since the Sixties, it's most often a tradition of indifference and ignorance.


  1. Like Taylor, Maria believes that a woman can do any job a man can, including being president of the United States. Maria, who is 13, wants to help people by becoming a doctor or pharmacist...Those who opposed the change said it might discourage boys from becoming altar servers and maybe entering the priesthood when they grow up. Only men can be priests in the Catholic Church.

    This is what I love about the Faith. Typically there are reasons why for everything, and they're not simply outdated or arbitrary decisions by a patriarchical authority. Unfortunately, many member of the patriarchy forget this.

    As to the bigger point of indifference, I can't help but believe that much of this is due to the nefarious use of multiculturalism by liberals and radicals within the field of pedagogy. It has even seeped into Catholic schools. The first thing multiculturalism teaches is that anything done by white, often Christian males was negative. White males are then taught self-hatred and guilt, especially if they're Christian. Multiculturalism and diversity are the bulk of most teacher education programs, and make up a great deal of curriculum in many school systems today. This has had a negative impact on the learning of history and social studies, reading lists, and even music and the arts, hence ignorance in many respects.

  2. Sigh, just what we need - airheads around the altar.

    It should be pointed out that the reactions of the boys were as interpreted by the above mentioned airheads. If you spoke to the boys personally you may receive a different, and more negative, response.

  3. And so it was mentioned:

    "...(as, admittedly, characterized by the girls...)"
